Photo via Rob Brazier/Head Drop If you are a regular at Riptide you will be more than familiar with the subject of this edition of the RWF Spotlight - Lord Gideon Grey. In fact you might actually prefer to see less of him, but that's just proves the point that he has infiltrated your consciousness - like it or not. The fact of the matter is that Grey and his, let's say 'comrade', Kurtis Chapman have done such a magnificent job of interjecting themselves into the action - that loathe them as we do, a Riptide without them would almost seem incomplete. That in itself is some twisted genius, some evil ingenuity, some dastardly inspiration - and the majority of that comes from the mind of Lord Gideon Grey: RWF: As a staple of British Wrestling scene many people will be familiar with your work, but how would you describe yourself and your style to someone new to the world of wrestling? That entirely depends on how I feel about my opponent. If they bore me, like so m...