
Showing posts from May, 2018


(Photo via Rob Brazier @ Head Drop) With the Riptide Rumble coming up soon, we thought it would be good to speak to not just a participant in the inaugural event, but one of the pioneering women of wrestling as a whole - Rhia O'Reilly. Rhia has a wealth of experience competing in the UK and North America for promotions such as Shimmer, EVE, Progress, IPW:UK, XWA and recently of course Riptide! We hope you enjoy finding out a little more about her in this interview. RWF: As one of the mainstays of the British Wrestling scene over the past few years many people will be familiar with your work, but how would you describe yourself and your style to someone new to the world of wrestling? I’m a brawler at heart but with the technical skills to back it up. Less strong style, more smashy smashy. RWF: What made you decide to become a wrestler, and what was the first step you took on that path? Seeing Trish Stratus get put through a table. First time I really got emo...


(Photo via Robyn Goding @ Beyond Gorilla) Personal feelings aside, nobody can deny that Kurtis Chapman has made a name for himself in Riptide Wrestling of late.   He may not pander to the crowd, he may have a unlikely geographical loyalty to a certain Lord, but much of his background remains a mystery. We spoke to the 'Keyboard Warrior' - as he is not so affectionately known - to find out a little bit more about the man behind the computer screen. RWF: As one of the young up-and-coming stars of British Wrestling many people will be familiar with your work, but how would you describe yourself and your style to someone new to the world of wrestling? My style is sort of a hybrid between the British technical style and the Japanese fighting spirit, I tend to take quite a beating in matches but I keep coming back for more! RWF: You and Lord Gideon Grey are real Riptide veterans now. Is there anything in particular that you enjoy about wrestling for Ript...


Hey everyone! First up SPOILER ALERT - if you are avoiding the results of Riptide: Spring Break for any reason - do not read on! I'll be revealing the outcome of each match followed by my thoughts overall, but I'll hold back on some of the details so that when you watch it on Riptide VOD, you'll at least get some surprises! MATCH 1 - Chakara vs Sierra Loxton vs Sammii Jayne RESULT: Chakara wins via Pinfall (on Loxton) MATCH 2: Spike Trivet vs Maverick Mayhew RESULT: Trivet wins via Pinfall MATCH 3: Mark Andrews vs Jack Sexsmith RESULT: Andrews wins via Pinfall MATCH 4: TK Cooper vs Drew Parker vs Elijah vs Danny Jones RESULT: Cooper wins via Pinfall (on Jones) MATCH 5: Anti-Fun Police vs Team Whitewolf vs Grizzled Young Veterans vs Kip Sabian & Amir Jordan RESULT: Sabian & Jordan win via Pinfall (on AFP) MATCH 6: Walter vs Boar RESULT: Walter wins via Referee Stoppage MATCH 7: Chuck Mambo vs Lord Gideon Grey RESULT: Mambo wins via Pinfall M...